Julia has been tentatively walking for a couple of weeks now, and I finally managed to get a little video of her taking some steps.  You’ll have to ignore the toys on the floor, the laundry on the coffee table, and the Dawson’s Creek on the television.  Side note – it’s intensely weird, watching something I LOVED and people I thought were HOT when I was 15.  They really only think about sex in the craziest of ways.

Anyway!  Baby steps!!

Two Months & Talking

Well, not English, exactly, but Julia has been very talkative lately.  She’s such a social child, very engaged given her young age.  I don’t remember Hazel being so chatty – but I was also quite a bit more sleep deprived when Hazel was two months old!  This is a sweet video I took of her on Friday, when Amos was away on a trip to Kansas City.  Julia and I were having a nice conversation, and through the magic of video we could share it with him (and you!).

This is for Jim.

Jim is Hazel's grandpa, and he is obsessed with pasta.  :)

She's been saying this for a couple of days now, and I finally caught her off-guard enough to say it on camera!

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Playing Dress-Up

This week, while Hazel's babysitter is (STILL) on vacation, I have been trying to get a big head start on packing, since I cannot do school work while she's awake.  The house is a wreck, I am crazy stressed out, and Hazel keeps finding the scissors or tape dispenser with its sharp metal teeth.  Then she does something like this:

While I'm not an idealist, meaning that this kind of silly stuff makes all my stress melt like butter, it does help some.  I mean, look at her!  This picture sucks because she was dancing and would not stay still.  That is pretty cute, people.
PS – Hazel added another word to her repertoire today:  "poo-poo."  And every time she says it she laughs.  And I do too.  

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Hazel has been saying (or attempting) a TON of new words, including the following:

    • bellybutton (she can point this out, too)
    • car
    • two
    • hello
    • Hazel
    • baby
    • Donna (her sitter's name)
She is so CUTE when she's trying to copy us.  Last night we were asking her questions which were all answered by "car," so it was really funny for us to hear her 'talking' with us.  Also, she has been showing a lot of interest in this baby doll that her Papaw (my stepdad) gave her.  This baby gets 88 time-outs a day, sits in the high chair, partakes of Hazel's graham crackers, and sleeps with her now (although cover-less; Hazel snatches the cover away from her every night and laughs like a maniac).
She is just growing so quickly now.  I thought, when she was smaller, that things happened too fast, but this is like light speed compared to those early months.  Seriously, I can't keep up!  
Oh, one more new thing!!  We live in an apartment at the top of a staircase, which we let Hazel crawl up and down when we are going somewhere (of course, with one of us behind her).  Yesterday Amos took Hazel to work with him (it's his Spring Break) where he worked with her on walking up and down the stairs holding his hand and the hand rail, and she was ecstatic apparently!  I can tell that she's thrilled when she successfully does something we do, and this is a big one.  :)

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Hazel said her first word yesterday:  bye-bye!

She and I were leaving the apartment for our standing lunchtime picnic date, and she waved and said bye-bye to our living room.  I was the only one who heard it, and she's not really said it since, but it was clear as a bell.  So exciting!!!

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