February Baby Sweater (technically finished in January, though)

Last semester, in school, I was all worried about what I would do in the months before Julia is born.  Hazel still goes to daycare all day, and Amos is of course gone at work, and so I’m here alone until March 15th (or April 1st, knowing how my body likes to hold on to babies).  I even borrowed some books on feminist criticism from one of my professors, so worried was I.  Well, I’ve had a humbling dose of reality, since all I’ve wanted to do since getting home from our Christmas vacation is knit!  I’ve got projects for Christmas presents, projects for friends’ new babies and kids, and some projects for Julia planned.  Last night I finished one for Julia!

This gorgeous pattern is my first lace project and was written by the master of knitting, Elizabeth Zimmerman.  Her patterns are notoriously short and pithy, so I’m always really happy when I can get through one!  I had leftover yarn from a shawl I made for my grandmother last year, and so now Julia has a matching silvery lavender cardigan.


Knitting Adventures

Murphy's Law states the following:

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.  Also, all the sweaters Laura knits for Hazel will be at least 2 sizes too big.

You may think that I added that last bit.  Well, it's always been there, but no one cared because it didn't make sense until I started knitting sweaters for Hazel and they all turned out HUGELY HUGE.

Case in point:
Knitters, you might be able to tell that this yarn in super bulky weight.  I know – not all that practical for a toddler sweater, but I had 2 skeins from the first year I started knitting, and what else could it make?  I actually had to hunt down and purchase another skein for the sleeves, but that's another story.  Anyway, it's huge.  It's a parka.  For a three-year-old.  A big three-year-old.  It's cute, and I do like the big buttons we picked out today (even if they aren't spaced evenly; that's something else I can't seem to do correctly), but I wish it fit her right now.  Next year she is going to wear a hand-knit EVERY DAY OF THE WINTER.
Also, as a side note:  when I was trying to get pictures of her in this, which is much harder than it used to be when she couldn't walk, I made her wear a plastic cup as a hat.  She wore it, which is the funny part!
Also, she liked to bend her head waaaay down and lick the top button.  I mean, it's her sweater, right?  Mama's hand-knits are cool to wear in 7 years AND taste great!  

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Baby Surprise Jacket

On the road trip I ran out of things to knit.  I know, I was as shocked as you!  Fortunately there are a few awesome yarn shops in St. Louis, so I took this opportunity to knit something I've been wanting to for a while – the baby surprise jacket.  It's a pattern by Elizabeth Zimmerman, who wrote all these amazingly awesome patterns back in the 50s and 60s that are so cool everyone still wants to make them.  I also bought the Knitter's Almanac, but that's another story. Anyway, I started this, ripped it out, started, ripped, then finally got it together and finished it up last Saturday.  It was like magic!  Anyone who's knitted this pattern knows what I mean; you basically knit this weirdly shaped rectangle, then fold it a certain way and there it is!  This will be a gift for Hazel this Christmas from me.  It should fit her right around then, a little over a year old.  I love it, and I'm going to definitely make another one soon!

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Soft, Warm Things for the Winter

I just finished this ribbed baby cardigan for Hazel.  A few weeks ago I picked up this gorgeous, soft, pale green yarn on sale (remember, Momma?) and knew I wanted to make something for Hazel with it.  I found this sweet and easy pattern, and this was the result.

I had to adjust the pattern to accommodate the bulkier yarn, but I think this will be able to fit her all through the winter.  When she wakes up we'll have a mini-fashion show and I'll post of photo of her wearing it.  After making tons of baby things, most of which I won't post photos of just yet since they are Christmas gifts, I'm ready to go in the complete & total opposite direction – I'm knitting a bathmat!  Yep, I'm using three strands of cotton yarn (durable, absorbent) and knitting a rug.  This thing is knit on size 15 needles, pretty huge, so I should be done with it in a day or two.  

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Another Day, Another Complicated Knitting Project

Never again in my life will I be such a prolific knitter.

Another baby sweater, like the brown one I made earlier and using the leftover yarn from the scarf I just made, plus some buttery-colored acrylic yarn.

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